Bruin Brief 2022-05-13: DNP Transition of MSN-APRN Program: Update

Change Underway: Doctor of Nursing Practice Program

Change is challenging. Kurt Lewin theorized about change, suggesting that Unfreezing, Changing, and Refreezing is a challenging but predictable process.  The constructs of change theory mixed with traits of transformational leadership yield guidance about productive change. Informed by these perspectives, the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Transition Taskforce respects and incorporates the ideas and creativity of all members of our community and solicits input from the School of Nursing community to meet our strategic change goal.

Leadership Reflection

“I was on the initial BS to DNP Taskforce led by Dr. Lynn Doering and Dr. Emma Cuenca,” said Dr. Nancy Jo Bush, the DNP Transition Taskforce Chair. “I remember being huddled in Dr. Doering’s office with her and Dr. John Lazar spending hours ruminating on specialty tracks and curriculum.  I remember reading and editing a final proposal written by Dr. Doering, Dr. Lauren Clark, and Dr. Suzette Cardin. But it never made it out of the School of Nursing.”


Times have changed. The Strategic Plan of the SON lists as the first goal “transitioning the MSN-APRN program to DNP.” Dean Zhan’s arrival ignited new energy to meet that goal, and the DNP transition proposal moved forward with the support of a newly appointed Taskforce.

In-depth discussions picked up where the old committee left off, with thoughtful discussion and difficult decisions. The result is a plan for change and a DNP Transition Proposal.


A new, comprehensive, updated proposal will be released by the DNP Taskforce for review and comment within a few weeks, starting with the Curriculum Committee and rippling out to all faculty for consideration. The proposal harnesses UCLA SON resources and faculty expertise to meet the pressing need for doctorally-prepared advanced practice nurses to deliver safe, effective care and provide clinical leadership to improve care systems.

One note about the program name. You will notice that the DNP Transition proposal uses the term BS-to-DNP as the new program entry point. The current DNP program admits post-master’s students who are already advanced practice nurses. The new entry point for students into the DNP program will include baccalaureate-prepared nurses and master’s prepared nurses who are not yet advanced practice nurses (MECN graduates, for example). Those in the BS-to-DNP program will pursue coursework leading to eligibility for APRN certification as well as a DNP degree.  To simplify the name of this DNP degree pathway, the proposal refers to the BS-to-DNP.


The end goal is to adopt a new DNP program to replace the MSN-APRN Program, synchronize it with AACN Essentials, admit new students, and finally ease into a new level of comfort while smoothing out program kinks. That’s refreezing. And it’s a few years away. How do we get there?

Next Steps in DNP Transition Work

  1. DNP Taskforce continues to review and refine the proposal for the MSN-APRN to DNP program

  2. CCLE collaboration site opened and updated for all faculty to have access to DNP transition materials.

  3. DNP Transition Town Hall June 9th, in person and via Zoom.  All faculty are invited to join together to discuss.  Food will be served!

  4. Curriculum Committee review and vote on DNP transition plan

  5. Faculty Executive Committee review and vote on DNP transition plan

  6. Entire School of Nursing community review ad vote on DNP transition plan

  7. University review and approval by spring 2023

  8. Fall 2024 admission of the first cohort of BS-to-DNP students. 

Transformational Leadership: transparency, teamwork, mutual respect and support  

The change process is well underway, guided by faculty at each step of the way.  From the approval of the SON Strategic Plan to the work of the DNP Transition Taskforce, faculty shape our future. Thank you to the faculty at large who work in many ways to create a positive, collaborative, and transformative future. Thank you to the DNP program leaders, Taskforce members, Curriculum Committee, FEC, and administrators who continue to demonstrate transformational leadership. 

DNP Transition Taskforce

Town Hall

Meeting ID: 976 6482 0331

Passcode: dnp2022

Light refreshments will be served