Bruin Brief 2022-02-01: Emergencies and Chain of Communication

On occasion, we become aware of threats or a rumor of violence on campus. Here is what to do.

  • Download the Bruins Safe app onto your phone or other devices from the App Store.

  • Check the Bruin Alert webpage for official messages about safety concerns, class cancellations, or campus closure.

The webpage also has resources for every emergency situation and contact numbers for the police and other offices.

  • Refer to the UCLA Consultation and Response Red Folder for how to respond to students in crisis.

  • Any employee who is not designated as confidential is considered a Responsible  Employee and is required to report any incident of sexual harassment, sexual violence or other prohibited behavior they learn of in their role as a UCLA employee to the Title IX Office. Detail about the process is in the Red Folder.

The cancellation of classes or closure of buildings or the campus as a whole is a decision made by the Chancellor. To be notified of changes to class schedules or campus closures, check the Bruin Safe app or the Bruin Alert webpage.