Bruin Brief 2022-09-09 eValue Launch + FACULTY ACTION ITEMS + How-to-instructions

Bruin Brief 2022-09-09 eValue Launch + FACULTY ACTION ITEMS + How-to-instructions

From Academic Affairs
September 9th 2022

“If you think compliance is expensive-try non-compliance.” -Paul McNulty, Former U.S. Deputy Attorney General

Why do we need eValue?

Faculty may remember back in 2020 when they were harassed with an onslaught of emails requesting documentation about their nursing credentials, curriculum vitae, certifications they hold, plus other pieces of information required to be reported to CCNE and/or the BRN.  

The requested documentation is needed in order to be compliant with CCNE Standard II-E which states…(Standards for Accreditation of Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing Programs Amended 2018, pg. 11)

The CCNE and BRN task force team appreciated your timeliness to our requests and learned from that experience our need to have a system in place to be accreditation ready at all times.  


Centralized Program Management=eValue

Faculty were recently sent login instructions from eValue to create an account and log in to upload professional credentials well in advance of our next accreditation deadline.  If you did not receive an email from eValue to create an account, please check your junk or spam folder or email our eValue implementation manager Ashley.Cordor@medhub.com to troubleshoot getting you eValue access.  

We know and understand there are multiple technologies vying for your time during the beginning of this busy fall quarter. While eValue can help streamline many aspects of program management for faculty and students with other fancy bells and whistle functions, at this time, we are simply requesting all faculty to upload their documents to their eValue profile by Halloween October 31st 2022.  Other features and functions will be introduced later in the academic year.  

Screen shots of instructions on how to upload documentation are below for reference.  See attached pdf for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to create your login account from the email you received from eValue yesterday 9/8/2022.

Screen shot 1: Other Tasks>Manage Personal Records

Screen shot 2

Demographic Information Request

Many surveys and accrediting agencies ask what credentials and biographical information our talented faculty hold.  Please fill this out under “My Information” so we can accurately capture this important data. 

Screen Shot 1: Update this information

Screen Shot 2: Fill out all information

eValue + UCLA SON Students

Similarly, students will be given eValue access and we are requesting they provide their demographic and biographical information via this platform in order to help the student affairs team keep track of all of our students’ data electronically in one place.    

eValue + Ongoing Meetings 

Meetings continue with our eValue implementation manager Ashley Cordor on a weekly or twice a month basis for the following teams to customize eValue to their needs.

Student Affairs Team

Clinical Placements Team

Pre-licensure Lab Team

PhD Program Team

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Brenda Yeung byeung@sonnet.ucla.edu  There’s more to come from eValue so stay tuned!  

Key Contributor:
Brenda Yeung MSN, OCN, CMSRN, CBCN

Project Policy Analyst

Lauren Clark
Professor and Shapiro Family Endowed Chair in Developmental Disability Studies

Associate Dean, Academic Programs
Mobile: (801) 503-4755


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