Bruin Brief 2021-12-15: eValue

Bruin Brief 2021-12-15: eValue

For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” -Benjamin Franklin 

The Academic Affairs team is excited to announce we will be partnering with eValue to help organize the operations of SON for students, faculty, and staff!

What is eValue?

eValue is an app that helps “structure program administration and is designed to simplify health science and nursing program administration by streamlining curriculum delivery, coursework, scheduling, assessments, site management, and more.”

Why do we need it?

eValue will allow us to work smarter, not harder by electronically organizing our many operational processes and student, faculty, staff record keeping practices.  The pandemic has shown us that open communication and staying connected virtually is paramount until we can safely gather together in person again, therefore we need a robust way to electronically keep track and communicate with all UCLA students, faculty, and staff.

What will it do?

For starters, we will see the benefits in clinical education. In the eValue environment, students will connect with clinical assignments and groups and build an educational portfolio to highlight their workforce readiness. Faculty will evaluate students’ clinical performance in eValue. Staff will track clinical affiliation agreements. Financial aid will track how scholarships made a difference in students’ career launch. Alumni relations will stay connected to graduates seamlessly, without clunky spreadsheets. And finally, an underappreciated bonus: electronic student records will replace boxes of moldering student files in the cockroach-ridden basement.

What does the eValue transition look like in math equation format?

When will eValue be implemented?

Our kick-off meeting with the eValue representative was this past Monday! Set up will require key staff and faculty in academic programs, student services, human resources, and alumni relations organizing what goes in to eValue. During the start-up phase, we are fortunate to be working with a dedicated team from eValue assigned to UCLA SON.  They will be our guide in ensuring our needs are met and all is set up appropriately before we fully utilize all the functionalities that eValue offers. 

Do I have to do anything?

Nope!  The Academic Affairs team simply wants you all to be informed of the enhancements we are making in an effort to improve our current operational processes.  Training will be provided once we get everything set up, so stay tuned!

I think eValue can help me/my work group in the School. Who do I contact to get in the loop?

Please reach out to Brenda Yeung byeung@sonnet.ucla.edu.  Many thanks to Brenda for her project management skills devoted to this process improvement in academic affairs. She will take questions, ideas, requests, or listen if you just want to brainstorm ways to improve your current operational process. 


Brenda Yeung MSN, OCN, CMSRN, CBCN

Project Policy Analyst 

Office of Academic Affairs

UCLA School of Nursing

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