Bruin Brief 2021-01-07: DNP Program Review

Bruin Brief 2021-01-07: DNP Program Review

Academic Senate Review of the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program Review on January 13th 2022

The Academic Senate reviews all programs after three years of being launched.  The DNP program was launched as a Self-Supporting-Graduate-Degree-Program (SSGDP) in Fall 2018. The Doctor of Nursing Practice Program (DNP) will be reviewed by the UCLA Academic Senate on Thursday January 13th.

To get ready for this review, the DNP team assembled in November of 2020. The Team consists of the DNP Program Director, Nancy Jo Bush, and Student Affairs Officer, Soo Kwon, along with DNP faculty Dr. Suzette Cardin, and finance officers Hector Arguello and Willie Dawson. By May 2021 they submitted the written report. Since then, the Team has hosted preliminary meetings and a mock review.

Two internal reviewers representing the Academic Senate will be reading the report and carrying out the site visit.  These representatives will be Dr. Tara Paris, Review Team Chair, Graduate Council, from Psychiatry and Behavioral Science and Dr. Aaron Tornell, Graduate Council’s SSGPDP Ad Hoc Advisory Committee from Economics. The reviewers met with the DNP Team of Dr. Nancy Jo Bush, Dr. Theresa Brown, and Soo Kwon, for a preliminary overall assessment in November 2021 via zoom.  Due to the pandemic, the Academic Senate Site Visit  will be virtual and due to the small program size, will be limited to a one-day review.

The schedule for the review allows reviewers to meet with Dean Zhan, DNP Director Nancy Jo Bush, Associate Deans, Administrative Staff, and representatives from DNP faculty, students, and alumni. One-on-one meetings can also be requested if desired.

What does the Academic Senate evaluate? 

The criteria outlined by the Academic Senate will be used to help the School of Nursing strengthen the DNP program.

Review Report:

The purpose of the review report is a “candid, thoughtful, objective appraisal of the unit under review. The review report should incorporate the opinions of both the external and internal reviewers. The chair of the review team shall be responsible for the final review report, which is due within four weeks after the site visit.” Source: Program Review

The Results of the Review will be Posted by January 30th 2022:

The external reviewers shall each submit an individual report within two weeks after the site visit. The review report shall

(a) present the strengths and achievements of the unit

(b)  comment on the unit’s plans and goals

(c)  provide a prioritized set of recommendations, with brief rationales, for how to address any areas needing attention. The list of recommendations should address critical issues.

By January 1st 2023 The SON will Provide a Progress Review Report in Response

The department chair and academic dean shall submit written statements which include descriptions of actions planned and already taken in response to the review. These statements shall be submitted no later than eleven months after the review report is distributed.

The Academic Senate Response to the SON Progress Report:

The Progress Review Report will be reviewed by the Review Team Chair who will provide a summary to the Council and recommend one of the following:

a.      The progress review meeting should be waived and closure is recommended for the Councils’ approval.

b.     A progress review meeting should be scheduled.

c.      The progress review meeting should be postponed pending an internal site visit. If the Progress Review Meeting is held, it shall be scheduled one year to eighteen months after the site visit.

Next Review:

If the Academic Senate proceeds with closure of the program (option a. above), there will be no further program reviews. If the result is to schedule another progress review (option b. above), the next program review would be scheduled in 8 years, or 2030.  If the result is to postpone the next progress review meeting (option c. above), another site visit would be scheduled in 2023 or 2024.


Nancy Jo Bush, DNP, RN, MA, AOCN, FAAN
Associate Adjunct Professor
Director, Doctor of Nursing Practice Program
UCLA School of Nursing
700 Tiverton Avenue
Factor Building Room #3-659
Box 956918
Los Angeles, CA 90095-6918


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