Reference Check Procedures Dec 16, 2022

Reference Check Procedures Dec 16, 2022

Email sent to dean, forwarded


UCLA Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel




December 16, 2022


Re: Updates to UCLA Faculty Reference Check Procedures


Dear Colleagues:


We appreciate the ongoing support for the recently implemented UCLA Faculty Reference Check Procedures for recruitment of Academic Senate faculty. Throughout the initial implementation of the procedures, we have consulted with the other UC campuses that have a similar reference check process, and also identified ways to streamline our process. The following changes and explanations will be effective immediately.


Currently, the reference checks are required for all Academic Senate faculty positions at UCLA. Based on the limited employment history of those applying for the Assistant Professor rank positions, we are limiting the reference checks to finalists for Assistant Professor positions only at steps IV, V, and VI.  Reference checks will not be required for candidates for Assistant Professor, Steps I, II and III. This change will accelerate the offer process.


In addition, we are stating the number of years of employment history that are subject to reference checks.  The original UCLA Procedures did not provide the number of years. UC Irvine and UC Davis limit the look back period to ten (10) years of employment. We have amended our process to mirror our sister campuses. UCLA will continue to contact academic and non-academic employers, and will limit the review period to the last ten (10) years of each finalist’s employment history.


To further reduce delays in the reference check process, applicants no longer need to list each place of employment on the Authorization to Release Information Form. In most cases, applicants only need to identify the Academic Senate title rank and step to which they are applying, and sign and date the form.  Applicants only need to list the name of a current or prior place of employment if they went by a different name during the period of employment. Once a finalist is identified, the dean’s office or department will forward the form and finalist’s CV to Michael Simidjian – Director, Academic Personnel (msimidjian@conet.ucla.edu).


As part of our Procedures, the finalist must attest in the tentative offer letter that they are not currently the subject of any disciplinary proceeding and have not been formally disciplined in the past 10 years. For consistency, please ensure that your departments are using the following language:


By signing this letter, the undersigned represents that they are not currently the subject of any disciplinary proceeding (including but not limited to an investigation or hearing) nor have they in the past ten (10) years been formally disciplined at any and all academic institutions, places of employment, academic/professional societies, and/or professional licensing or certification bodies.


Letters that have been reviewed and approved by Assistant Vice Chancellor Erika Chau do not need to be revised. However, if your letter has not been approved, please include this language.


Please direct your questions about the Faculty Reference Check Procedures to Michael Simidjian in the Academic Personnel Office (msimidjian@conet.ucla.edu).





Michael S. Levine

Vice Chancellor, Academic Personnel



Cc:  Chancellor Gene Block

        Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Darnell Hunt

        Assistant Provost and Chief of Staff Emily Rose

        Assistant Vice Chancellor Erika Chau

        Director Michael Simidjian