Common Processes
CAPA Letter for Appraisal, Tenure and Promotions
CAPA writes a letter
Typically one lead writes a draft, and a secondary polishes. The entire committee discusses the letter and makes changes in the meeting and offline. Once the letter is close to complete, the CAPA chair asks HR to open a vote.
CAPA votes on the letter (~24 hours)
The HR staff are asked to proof-read the letter, and CAPA members can also make grammar and formatting corrections
Letter is given to the candidate for review and rebuttal
The candidate has 1 week to review the letter. They may offer two responses:
Factual corrections; these can be listed in an email or document
Rebuttal letter: a formal letter responding to issues noted in the letter
Factual revision of CAPA letter
Minor revisions may be made by CAPA to the CAPA letter, based on the candidate’s factual corrections and further proof-reading.
EVF discussion
The CAPA chair schedules an “EVF” (eligible voting faculty) meeting to discuss the action; as of the June 2023 by-laws, assistant professors are invited even if they are not in the EVF. (Assistant professors are in the EVF for appointments, and not for promotions.)
2023: What about lecturers?
HR makes available the CAPA letter to all attendees, and the dossier materials to the EVF.
The EVF meeting does not include the dean; they (he/she) write their own letter.