Position status: How do I know what's happening?!

Position status: How do I know what's happening?!

Status on Applicants Page

Once you get to view the Applicants, there is a Status

  • “Recommended for interview” means they are on an approved shortlist

  • “Interviewed” means they have completed their interview

    • This can be updated by anyone on the search committee or HR person (click on “Recommend for interview” link)

  • “Complete” means all materials are uploaded; may or may not meet basic qualifications

  • “Not complete” means not all materials are uploaded

    • This includes reference letters, so often someone will have their dossier materials uploaded but are waiting for letters.

  • “Withdrawn” means applicant has withdrawn their application

    • Note that on occasion an applicant withdraws their application then creates a new application.

Activity Log

There is an “Activity log” under the “SEARCH INFO” for each position. (This is exceedingly useful to know about.)

Understanding the activity log

Key step 1: pool approval
  • “Recruitment submitted for approval”

  • A series of other approvals, last one by UCLA Diversity Office (Approved "Applicant Pool Report (12/6/2021 at 2:21pm)" as Diversity Office)

  • “Email sent”: click link to show what was sent to HR person

Key step 2: shortlist approval
  • Look above pool “Email sent” approval

  • “Recruitment submitted for approval”

  • A series of other approvals, last one by UCLA Diversity Office (Approved "Shortlist Report (12/10/2021 at 9:30am)" as Diversity Office)

  • “Email sent”: click link to show what was sent to HR person

Other activity

The HR staff person will add notes and make changes to review dates, so there are many entries like “Added a comment” and “Review data added: …”.

Getting to search plan

Go to Search info

  • “Search info” link on Recruitments page

  • “Search info” tab in application page

Bottom-Left under TOOLS:

  • Activity log”