[Old, do not use] Remote Access Request for Volunteers
This DOES NOT WORK. Needs to go through HR.
Left as legacy as of 2022-02-09, we are still refining the process. Will update once we confirm.
Prerequisite: Mednet account with VPN access, and one-time local login.
The volunteer needs to be registered with the School of Medicine/Health System Volunteer Office. The VPN access is separate, and also needs to be initiated by HR. The VPN request can take up to 6 days (as per customer service).
Note that users must log in locally one time before the remote access will work.
On the following website, scroll down and click “departmental request”, and log in.
After login (1 on right)
After you log in, select No in response to “Volunteer” question (counter-intuitive!!!)
Find student/volunteer (2 on right)
Inputting the student name can be tricky. Try one of two ways:
1. Type student name with last name, comma, first name and it shows up.
2. Click the magnifying lens and type last name, comma, first name in the search box. Then select from list. Note: if there is something typed into “Volunteer Name” on the previous screen, this entire window will be empty. You have to clear the Volunteer Name box first.
Enter your name (3 on right)
Search as above; add a comment
Remote location (4 on right)
Logically this should be No; However, the problem is then there is no way to enter the computer name….. still figuring this out (2022-02-07)
Once completed, click the “Submit” button on the top right of the main screen.
Might or might not need to attach this Excel file with names and computers