Expectations of Student for Clinical Practicum Experience
429A – First Practicum Course -Beginning Level Skills and Competencies
Comprehensive and symptom focused history and physical assessment
Evaluation of health risk behaviors
Assessment of health protection status (immunizations, nutrition, safety)
Screens for acute and chronic mental health problems and disorders
Symptom analysis and data synthesis
Orders/performs and interprets lab and diagnostic tests
Functional Assessment
Occupational and Environmental Assessment
Sexual Health Assessment (adolescent through old age)
429B – Second Practicum Course-Beginning Level Skills and Competencies
Continued development and refinement of 429A skills and competencies
Advanced clinical reasoning
Selective application of evidenced-based practice
Health promotion
Facilitate and plan for client’s self-care
Anticipatory guidance, teaching-learning
Problem formulation and diagnosis
Prescribe drug therapy
Implement non-pharmacologic therapy
Evaluate and modify treatment based on client’s response
429 C – Third Practicum Course- Intermediate Level Skills and Competencies
Continued development and refinement of 429 A&B skills and competencies
Comprehensive assessment and management
Ordering and adjusting medication regimens in the treatment of acute and chronic conditions
Orders/performs and interprets lab and diagnostic tests
Mental Status and Mental Health Assessment
Functional Assessment: safety and risk reduction
Advance Care Planning
Care Transitions
End of Life Care
Inter -professional Practice
Practice management: Quality and safety improvement
Primary Care procedures - selected
429 D – Fourth Practicum Course - Intermediate Level Skills and Competencies
Continued development and refinement of 429 A, B, and C skills and competencies
Behavioral Risk Screening
Functional Assessment: safety and risk reduction
Transitions End of Life Care
429 E- Final practicum Course – Advanced Level Skills and Competencies
Continued development and refinement of 429 A, B, C, and D skills and competencies
Family Assessment, complex
Behavioral Screening
Community Assessment
Primary Care Procedures-selected
Formulation of a clinical question and a systematic inquiry
Perform disability evaluation
Home Health Assessment