This is an incomplete description of how to get volunteers access to computers (as of April 2022).

Volunteers need a sonnet (mednet) account with appropriate permissions. The permissions are set in response to requests from Nursing HR. Following are three permissions:


New volunteers usually complete the following trainings:

Volunteers should provide the Project Director with a copy of their completion certificates. Certificates should be submitted to Letitia Lynex in HR along with relevant forms.


All forms should be submitted to HR (Letitia as of Feb 2022).

The following forms need to be completed by new volunteers:

The following forms need to be completed for volunteers who need a mednet account (note that a sonnet account is also a mednet account):

These forms are emailed to HR, who may then refer to an online orientation, an onboarding meeting on zoom, and a quiz.

Note that the volunteer office is NOT the right path.

[Old, do not use] Remote Access Request for Volunteers