Status: 2022-12-15, drafted by Paul Macey.
There are many ways to share files. The following “Best Practices” (by purpose) or “Best Uses” (by tool) are intended to simplify how we share files for SON business, including administration and faculty service. SON business does not include research collaborations.
Note: the R drive is expected Jan 2023.
Best Uses (file sharing)Organized by tool Box: working documents and sensitive documents
R drive: archival
Outlook meeting: agendas and meeting materials
Email: point-in-time information
Google Drive ( ): research
One Drive: similar to Google Drive
Confluence: not used for file sharing
Best Practices (file sharing)Organized by purpose Archive (unchanging): R drive
Meeting agendas and materials: Outlook meeting
Working documents: Box
Sensitive documents: Box
One-off documents: Email
Real-time team editing: Google Drive (Docs or Sheets) |