Steps of the Hiring Process in the UCLA School of Nursing 12-7-23
The steps of the Hiring Process were discussed by the SON Faculty and VC Mike Levine in a Faculty Meeting on 9/20/23, a FEC meeting on 10/9/23, and a faculty meeting on 11/21/23. The discussion focused on the goal of making sure input about the “fit” of each candidate considered for hiring at the SON is collected from Faculty and shared so it can guide hiring in the SON. The discussion on 11/21/23 led to minor edits which are reflected in the steps below. The goal of this ballot is to ascertain the level of support that Faculty members have for the steps of the SON hiring process articulated below.
Steps of the Hiring Process for the UCLA School of Nursing |
Dean, Faculty Recruitment* Committee (FRC), Faculty Executive Committee (FEC), and all Faculty meet to discuss the current needs of the SON (this can be done in a Faculty Meeting and then at a FEC meeting).
FEC makes recommendations for hiring priorities to the Dean and FRC.
Job descriptions are written by the Dean, Program Directors, and Associate Academic Dean and posted by July 1.**
FRC evaluates candidates (using a rubric) and prepares a list of candidates.
Those that are suitable are brought in for interviews.
The Faculty gives quantitative assessment feedback after interviewing the candidates in a Qualtrics survey about the “fit” of the candidate for the SON using Likert questions and other quantitative questions (includes Senate, Adjunct, and Lecturer Faculty who voluntarily provide their input).
The survey feedback goes to FRC which FRC summarizes; then, FRC creates candidate rankings and both the summary and the rankings are given to the Dean which will guide hiring recommendations.
The quantitative findings and/or ranking of candidates will be communicated via a written letter that is shared with all Faculty (including FEC).
Then, a second Qualtrics survey will be created with a single “Yes/ No” question: Do you support moving forward with hiring [candidate name] for [specific position being considered]? If their answer is “No”, the Faculty member will have the opportunity to share their rationale in a textbox.
The voting is stratified: if a potential Adjunct Faculty member is being considered, then Senate and Adjunct Faculty members vote; if a potential Senate Faculty member is being considered, then Senate Faculty vote; if a Lecturer candidate is being considered, then Adjunct and Senate Faculty members vote and input will be sought from lecturers who would voluntarily provide it.
FEC discusses the results of the quantitative feedback and the subsequent single question about supporting/not supporting hiring of said person, consults with CAPA about series and rank, and synthesizes an opinion (perspective) that is sent to the Dean. This FEC letter might include a rank order of candidates or brief summaries about each interviewed faculty candidate.
Then the Dean determines who will move forward in the hiring process and seeks external letters.
** It is understood that the process takes many months, however, the timing is fluid since we need to take action when a position is open and requires a recruitment.